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Business Meeting

Product & Systems Scale Efficiencies

Practice Area Overview

The Challenge

- Can your current tech stack support your growth plans with modest incremental investment?

- What investments are needed to land major new clients or partners?

- Have you planned investments to support your 3-5 year growth plans? How much incremental investment is needed across technology, service, sales, marketing? 

- Can you leverage short-term investments in technology and system integration to lower the longer term costs associated with scaling the business?


When you are trying to land a major client or partner, they will want to be sure your product and tech platform can scale. Investors or acquirers will want to be sure that the business can scale with modest levels of incremental investment to gain margin efficiencies. 


It is critical that the business plans for growth including the required investments. But more importantly, the business needs to contemplate what short-term actions can pay long-term dividends when it comes to the cost of growing your product and tech platform

The Benefit

Palomar can help review and improve the company's understanding of the investments required to grow the business. You will also identify specific opportunities to improve your cost to scale the business leading to greater operating margins over time. This will be attractive to customers, investors, and partners alike. 

Engagement Overview

Step 1

Palomar will spend time learning about the business, the relevant leaders on the team, and any products related to the engagement. 


We will request material to review in advance to help us gain necessary understanding of the business. 


Then we will conduct interviews either in-person or virtually to meet with relevant team members and discuss the topics related to the engagement. 

Recommended Action
Step 2

Palomar will provide detailed feedback based on their extensive experience and as a result of the Discovery Phase. the feedback will include specific areas of strength as well as opportunities for improvement. Where possible, we will also include comparisons to the industry or other best-in-class companies as a benchmark. 


In addition to the feedback, Palomar will provide a detailed set of recommended actions to address the opportunities identified during the engagement. The action plan will be prioritized by potential impact to the business as well as the timeliness of the recommended action. 


The Findings and Recommendations Report will be provided in a presentation format. We can deliver the presentation to the necessary team through an in-person or virtual meeting where we can share the information and field any relevant questions.  


Step 3 (optional)

Palomar will work with the key stakeholders to align on prioritized action steps resulting from the Findings & Recommendation Report.  We will then develop a detailed Implementation Plan through joint ownership. Once the plan is finalized it will include commitments, ownership, and timelines.


Then we will partner with key stakeholders to implement action steps and install appropriate success metrics. 


Palomar Advisors can facilitate through different roles in the Implementation Process:


  • PA develops Implementation Plan in collaboration with client Co-Owner.

  • PA remains as an active advisor during the implementation process.

  • PA is fully responsible for managing the implementation process with key stakeholders.

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